Is a Home Humidifier Good For Pets? - Air Innovations

Is a Home Humidifier Good For Pets?

If you have a fur baby at home, you more than likely want the best for them. You buy them the best food, toys and more. After all, pets are an extension of your family, so you want to make sure they are happy and healthy. Some pet owners wonder if a home humidifier is beneficial for pets as they are for humans. A humidifier can help when you’re sick, comes in really handy during winter when the air is cold and dry and can even help your houseplants thrive and provide supple skin when left running at night. But can a humidifier also help your fur babies?

The answer is yes! A home humidifier can be good for both you and your pets. A humidifier is great for alleviating dry, itchy winter skin. Just as your skin gets cracked, itchy and dry when the temperature starts to drop, the same can happen for your dog or cat. Air Innovations offers a wide variety of home humidifier options to choose from so that Fido can stay healthy and comfortable!

A Cold Mist Humidifier Works Best

If you’re going to use a home humidifier for your pet, a cool mist option is best since they’re safer to use. Simply run the humidifier in room where your pet usually hangs out and let them reap the benefits. You’ll notice a huge difference in their skin and coat after a few days of using a humidifier.

Dogs and cats can also get colds like humans, and their symptoms are very similar to ours. They get a runny nose, cough and sneeze, which is why keeping their air moist with a humidifier can be very beneficial. It will relieve their nasal passages, helping them breathe correctly and alleviating other cold symptoms they may be experiencing.

The Perfect Sized Room Humidifiers

Air Innovations offers a variety of different room humidifiers that fit any sized space. So if your pet spends the majority of its time in a small spare bedroom or in your large living room, you’ll be able to find room humidifiers that are perfect for every room in your home.

A Better Air Humidifier

Not all humidifiers are created equal. Some are cheaper than others, which is why you should purchase an air humidifier from Air Innovations. Our humidifiers are made using quality parts and materials that are far superior than cheaper brands. So if you’re looking for a better air humidifier for your pet, then look no further than our wide selection of options!

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